Category: AI
“Deciphering the Enigmas of Artificial Intelligence: An Exploration into the Domain of Sensible Devices”
Artificial intelligence (AI) is becoming a disruptive force that is changing how we work, live, and engage with the world. AI has emerged as a central [more…]
Customer profiling with Artificial Intelligence: Building Grocery Coupons from Everyday Lists using OpenAI
This is how I created coupons using OpenAI API on Python, in a few lines of code. I am from Italy, and I just recently [more…]
Artificial Intelligence May Render Some Medical Specialties Obsolete
ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE (AI) IS ALREADY ENCROACHING in many medical specialties and may render some obsolete. This issue arose when my hospital’s radiology medical director explained that [more…]
Embodying [Artificial] Intelligence
Why Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) will not be what we think it will The intricate relationship between language, thought, reality, and consciousness reveals a sharp [more…]
Global Cultures & Artificial Intelligence
Much of the discussion around the impacts and implications of Artificial Intelligence (AI) revolve around economics, politics and either a doomsday or techtopia. They are [more…]