Embodying [Artificial] Intelligence

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Why Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) will not be what we think it will

The intricate relationship between language, thought, reality, and consciousness reveals a sharp distinction between meaning and information. This distinction becomes increasingly relevant when examining generative AI, especially considering its unconscious interaction with information and meaning.

Our typical use of language and the linear, sequential processing of information often leads to a fragmentation of reality, hindering our perception of its interconnected nature.

Generative AI operates similarly, processing vast amounts of information linearly and sequentially. However, this approach does not equate to understanding the interconnectedness or the holistic nature of the information processed.

Generative AI’s engagement, algorithmic, digital and electronic, lacks a holistic understanding.

An important aspect to consider is the inseparable relationship between mind and body, suggesting that meaning is present in both mental and physical activities.

This indicates an interconnectedness that generative AI lacks. AI processes and generates responses based on learned data, but it is not grounded in the material or experiential reality that is intrinsic to human understanding. Therefore, while AI can process and generate information, it does not understand or experience meaning in the same way humans do.

Are meanings embedded in patterns?

Most meaning in human communication is implicit, with only a fraction of the “total significance” conveyed at any given moment. Generative AI’s ability to understand and convey implicit meanings is limited. Its understanding is based solely on patterns and probabilities derived from data rather than on a genuine comprehension of the deeper…

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